

Cork or Screwcap? That is the question

posted on 11 February 2015
Mi piacerebbe avere una vostra opinione riguardo l’utilizzo del tappo a vite, stiamo valutando l’idea di utilizzarlo su altri nostri vini dopo la felice esperienza con il Rosanoire 2013 e 2014. Le nostre considerazioni sono queste:
  • migliore tenuta e freschezza del prodotto
  • praticità ed economicità per gli utilizzatori dell’apertura “svita-avvita” sicuramente maggiore rispetto alle chiusure tradizionali
  • basso impatto ambientale, riciclabilità del tappo e risparmio delle foreste di quercia da sughero negli ultimi anni depauperate da decorticazioni selvagge
  • drastica riduzione dei solfiti aggiunti all’imbottigliamento a tutto vantaggio dell’integrità e del rispetto del vino e della salute dei consumatori
  • fine di tutte quelle fastidiose alterazioni organolettiche dovute in qualche modo ai tappi di sughero
E’ molto gradita una tua opinione in merito, visto che saremmo eventualmente intenzionati a impiegarlo a breve sul Valtènesi 2014 e Rinè 2014… Tecnicamente non ci sarebbe alcun problema, anzi, ma tu cosa ne pensi? Mandateci una mail a

In Nuremburg with K&U Hausmesse 2014 – Wein radikal anders

posted on 27 November 2014
Gorgeous, wonderful tasting organised by K&U, by Martin Kossler, Dunja Ulbricht and their team. They’re a modest-sized importer in Nuremburg, very special persons, all of them, and they simply exude that spirit, in their remarkably-warm hospitality and generosity, and in every perfect organizational detail of this event that runs for two days every year.

Cows, horses, and nothing but green. Account of a tasting in a de-consacrated church.

posted on 11 November 2014
And here I am back from Belgium. The only Italian producer among a group of French, I participated for the second time in three days of tastings organised by my small importer, Michel Wijnen in Dilbeek. Just a few tables, with 8 selected producers, all taking part personally. Next to the bottles were the wine-bar prices, as well as promotional prices in case an order was placed right then. The tasters each received a glass and list of the wines, and they had the opportunity of placing an order immediately as they exited–very efficient! Everyone was very interested and tasted every wine by every producer.

2014 harvest… totally difficult, but not impossible

posted on 15 October 2014
We have finally finished this year’s troubled harvest, and after our series of tastings we feel that we can now give a very preliminary judgment on this year’s wines. The factors that characterised this growing season were huge amounts of rain, low average temperatures, little sun, and a summer that we saw only for brief moments. These conditions created a host of problems, with the grapes struggling to achieve ripeness and various fungal attacks – despite our constant efforts in the vineyards – affecting both clusters and leaves.
1 Unfortunately, 10 11 12 13 14 Unfortunately, 16