

Spring 2018 in the vineyard

posted on 21 May 2018
…and here it is already May… The vineyards this spring went through budbreak right on schedule, or nearly, but the weather in April, which was warm and sunny, advanced vine development, slightly earlier than in past seasons. The shoots are pushing out rapidly now and with a consistency we rarely see, so we are marching with giant steps to that magical, fragrant moment of the flowering of our future clusters. Work in the vineyards is proceeding very well—suckering, shoot thinning and positioning—to ensure the best possible vine growth and health, which was helped this year by a spring in which rains and sun alternated in a very helpful balance. Particularly fascinating in this period is the flowering of the many wild grasses that grow in our vineyards, giving them the appearance of a brightly-coloured natural garden. The flowering of the facelia is particularly impressive. It is part of the seed mixture we chose for our in-row cover crop, which then goes into the earth as green manure to enrich the soil with organic material and to replenish soil health—really a wonderful show!

Sole di Dario awarded among best … 5 Italian wines

posted on 4 October 2018
To our great surprise we got 5 bottiglie as the greatest recognition according to Guida de L’Espresso curators.

The harvest 2018 has started!

posted on 12 September 2018
The season is favorable to a plentiful production, the grape is wonderful! We are particularly proud because for the first time Lorenzo, our 17-years-old son, decided to help us, at least until he will come back to school.

Cantrina at Weinhalle

posted on 23 April 2018
As in the previous year, on 20th and 21st April we attended the taste organized by K&U in Nuremburg. It has been a great occasion to spend some time with our friends producers.
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